My Joke Collection (#19)

What's another word for thesaurus?
—Steven Wright (website)

If words and their synonyms are grouped into something called a thesaurus, it's pretty ironic that the word "thesaurus" itself doesn't have a synonym. It's almost a syn. (Hee hee!) Steven Wright's calm style of humor has a habit of displaying our own language idiosyncrasies back to us. He's got his work, employment, crop, job, function cut out for him.

Since Tyrannosaurus and Brontosaurus have already been used, when I discover a new dinosaur I'm naming it Thesaurus.

(Speaking of "the saurus" reminds me: Who decided on the word therapist? It reads as "the rapist". Seeing as the profession is based on helping to heal personal suffering, perhaps a name change is in order. May I suggest a more inviting name like theconvict, thereferee, or, on the smooth cuddly side, thepuppy?)

Click here for more info about this joke collection thing.


Life So Far.... said…
Reminds me of that hilarious TV show Arrested Development, where the character Tobias decides to combine the professions of Anaylist and Therapist, and coins the profession "Analrapist' (pronounced "aNALrapist") on his business card.
P.L. Frederick said…
That's pretty hilarious.

Reminds me of a real-life logo I once saw for a proctologist listed in the monthly Ann Arbor Observer, before they started calling themselves "colorectal surgeons". (The doctors, not the newspaper.) Wish I'd clipped out that stunning logo for my collection. Picture a simple silhouette of a person from the side, from their adominal region down to mid-thigh. Solid black. Inside the butt area is a fat white line connected to "the outside". Nestled in the white area is a black oval, proportionally the size of an organic free-range chicken egg. Apparently this picture wasn't clear enough so the ad also helpfully pointed out something like: "Specializing in Hemmoroids."

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