My Joke Collection (#22)

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?
A: To get to the other side.

—Unknown (and in hiding)

A chicken lays down plain old common sense. Yes, I yelp it to the world: I have always, always enjoyed this joke! It's as funny today as when I was in kindergarten, only more so. This is the kind of joke a Snidley Sourpuss might make up. He'd grumble, "You expected a magic answer, an exciting answer, even a funny answer, didn't yah? Well there's no such thing." That is the joke's dirty little secret—the teller uses trickery to feel superior. Especially five-year-old comedians.

Enough about theory, philosophy, and mathematics. Let's not over analyze a good thing.

Click here for more info about this joke collection thing.


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