My Cartoon Collection (#7)

Isn’t the Amish guy’s laid-back posture timeless? Harry Bliss sure can draw. That’s a pretty sweet ride. At speeds of up to 70 mph, the big cats are, like, the fastest runners on the planet. Except for that time a hornet stung me in my ankle and chased me around the house.

Amish Midlife Crisis: An Amish man drives a convertible (carriage) pulled by two cheetahs.

Mr. Bliss's website is at Go see more of the cartoonist's funnies on this New Yorker page or buy stuff with this cartoon on it. Get cheetah facts at Helium and Amish facts at Wikipedia. Also, I wrote a poem about my waspy experience. Go to Poems, Poems, Poems and look for one called Parade.


Anonymous said…
Wow. I live very close to Amish country. And I thought fuzzy dice on the buggy was progessive!

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