Mrs. Malaprop's Affliction: Part III
- An invisible dog fence? I'll believe it when I see it.
- Free refills, 75¢
- The hotshot hitter didn't win Rookie of the Year this year either.
- He's single minded about his multiple personalities.
- The new yoga instructor said, "Watch me and keep your eyes closed."
- If we were married we'd be divorced.
- My doctor says this medicine is 100% effective, except for the side effects.
- My favorite color is 8.
- Next time I order a new dish, first I'm gonna make sure I like it.
- Relax!
- I don't need money. I have a credit card.
- "We welcome your opinions—just keep them to yourself."
- As a janitor she possessed great skill: she could sweep the rug under the floor. As a mayor too.
- Silence speaks to me.
- "Work, work, work. That's all you ever are."
- The grass is always greener under the money.
- You look tired. Have you been sleeping all day?
- His mental focus is a blur.
- Overheard at the family picnic: "This cake is awful. Make my next slice smaller."
- If you see my earring, go ahead and answer it.
- Mr. Potter was an honest cheater.
- I'm the same as everybody else: each morning I put my shirt on one leg at a time.
- "Answer me when I tell you to keep quiet!"
For the backstory on why I'm doing this, read my previous post, I Can Learn To Be Funny?
Parents get the best lines, don't they? Hee hee!
P.L. Frederick
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