What Can You Say About So-And-So?

Here’s where I take five celebrities who are noted for a particular characteristic and write a joke about each. Here goes:

“Although classical music is becoming wildly popular in Asia, the Dalai Lama doesn’t attend the symphony. He’s into non-violins.”

“Scientists discovered a new genetic disorder that is the real reason behind Barry Bonds’ beef-steroid look. Turns out he suffers from Michelin Man disease.”

“I hear the Q-tip company recently signed the top lobbyist on Capital Hill. My congratulations go out to Q-tip and Mickey Mouse!”

“Everyone’s going Green nowadays. Reduce, reuse, recycle; plant, grow, transplant. Even celebrities. Did you know that Joan Rivers is into transplanting? Yup. Face transplants. Next time you see her, help get her roots established: dump compost on her head.”

“There isn’t going to be a presidential election this year. Obama vetoed it.”

Well, I tried.

For the backstory on this humor thing, see my previous post, I Can Learn To Be Funny?


Anonymous said…
Loved the Dali Lama one! Good stuff!
Jenny said…
Yeah, yeah, me too! The Dalai Lama one is really good! I like the Joan Rivers gag too though!
P.L. Frederick said…
Are you Lama lovers or pun lovers?

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