Why There Are No Cat Pornos...

Underneath, they’re all hairless Sphynxes, like my Orphy.
{Soundtrack: “Boom, shaka-boom...”}

In their birthday suits, every kitty is a hairless Sphynx, eh? That’s my infamous Orphy, above.


Dave said…
I wouldn;t be too sure about that.

There are some very disturbed people around.

I'm disturbed right now seeing a plucked chicked with a cat's head.

That's right I said 'plucked'.

Har dee har har
P.L. Frederick said…
My favorite part of the photo is that one little nipple. In the middle of his belly, above the blue blankey. This is a secret but he's got 9. And I'm not talking blankeys.
Dave said…
NINE! Why would he need nine nipples? I don't need nine nipples, you don't need nine nipples. Between the three of us we don't need 27 nipples.

Oh please save me from this madness. I can't stop thinking about nipples.
P.L. Frederick said…
I know. Between 0 and 1 per person/feline is a more appropriate number, isn't it? The documentary, "Historical Perspective on the Symmetricality of Kitty Nips" would be a real bodice ripper.

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