A Sense Of Humor, Defined

Many say you can’t ever analyze humor because, like dissecting a frog, “You may learn a bit about it, but the thing dies in the process.” Frogwash. We do well to contemplate and understand the world around us, especially the stuff we like, especially the fun stuff. Gene Perret has a unique take on it in his book, “How to Write & Sell Your Sense of Humor.” Gene writes:
I define a sense of humor as the following three abilities:

a) to
see things as they are
b) to
recognize things as they are
c) to
accept things as they are.

For example...
When would I not be able to accept jokes about balding? First of all if I weren’t aware of it. Many people begin thinning at the back of the crown and don’t even know it’s happening. If you joke about losing their hair to these folks, they look at you as if you’re crazy.

Second, if they fail to
recognize they are losing their hair. I was convinced for years that by combing my hair a different way, no one would notice a few strands had departed. If anyone had joked about it during those years, I would have been offended rather than amused because it would have been proof that my ploy wasn't working.

Third, some of us fail to
accept it, and jokes about our balding pates are not well received at all.

He adds,
It’s especially important to be aware of these three abilities in speaking to audiences, because not all audiences have a sense of humor about all topics. You must know what they see, recognize, and accept before kidding them.

What do you think?

For the backstory on this humor thing, see my previous post, I Can Learn To Be Funny?


Rick Rockhill said…
oh most definitely! We must first learn to accept and laugh at ourselves

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