Rock On, Candy Corn

Candy!During the autumnal season I’d do just about anything for candy corn, including clean out the back seat of the car (incidentally, this is also the most likely source for finding candy corn). There’s just something about that single fake, buttery corn, layered in white, yellow, and orange, and molded into a unified mass, a fake kernel of monstrous proportion. Oh candy corn, many are your charms. Your sickly-sweet sugar. Your kickin’ food coloring. My rotting Halloween teeth. Rock on, candy corn.

P.S. Here’s why my cat is unlike Stephen Colbert.


Lidian said…
I am working on a little post about candy corn, I really love it too - though I don't know why. An unquestioned love, what can I say?
P.L. Frederick said…
Ah, the mystery of love. I'm with yah, Lidian.
I'm serious. You can get high from the sugar in that stuff. Rock on indeed.

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