Part 2: Your Dog Would Love You Even More If You Were Kitty-Litter Morsels

The second installment in a five-part reality exposé on canines, love, and yuck.

What is it about dogs and found objects? Found, digested, excreted objects being sussed out for re-ingestment? How can something so cute and furry on the outside, so soft and lovable, have this sick, stomach churning, poop-engrossed love? You know that Groucho Marx line, “Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside a dog it’s too dark to read.”? In truth, it’s “inside a dog it’s too disgusting to read.” If you follow but one rule in life, make it to stay on the exterior of the dog. You don’t want to be in there.

Tomorrow, part 3: answering questions; asking more questions.


Rick Rockhill said…
yeah its kind of gross. I keep the kitty litter box well out of reach from the poodles, although they never showed any interest in it, thankfully.
P.L. Frederick said…
You are indeed a lucky, lucky man. Those poodles have superior genes. You might consider becoming a breeder. Create your own line of litter-less dogs. That sort of thing. Big future in that. Especially after all five parts of this exposé get out.
Erin said…
you are so true, it's a wonder we still allow them to 'kiss' us as much as we do. i guess poo is an easy thing to forget?

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