A Cartoon I Did Based On A Cartoon Roz Chast Did
Copying another cartoonist’s work is priceless. You’ll learn about process and style in ways reading and enjoying cannot. At least, that’s what I heard. So I took one of my favorite cartoonists, Roz Chast, and copied her cartoon, “On Display at the Children’s House of Horrors.” Then I made a second one in her style (if she drew only in black and white, I'm too lazy to color it in), only with my stuff in it. Here it is: And you know what? It worked. Even though I expected to gain some understanding I was surprised just how much. Although my fruits and veggies are too crowded, my cat shampoo is too crowded, and, as in real life, I wish I had not stuck toddlers in display cases, overall it was fun and I feel I know her cartooning much better. I also learned that her style is not mine, and knowing that helped bring me closer to my style. Whatever that might be. (Actually, since I drew this I have discovered my style! Only took two years. I hope to share it this summe...