This Is Not A Post

No time to write anything today, but here are links to the most popular thingies I've posted thus far. Enjoy!

18 Reasons Not To Go To Work Today – You get 19 reasons for the price of 18

Writing Humor One Edit At A Time – How do I do it?

Separated At Birth? Stephen Colbert And My Cat – Har har!

How My Cat Is Unlike Stephen Colbert – Har-dee-har har!

What's Under The Hood – Warning, contains a medical term for human anatomy, which is why it's so popular, I suppose

Ponderous Chapped Lips – You wouldn't believe how many people Google "underarm licking", which isn't really central to the story

Wishing you a wonderful day. Or night. Heck, I hope both are glorious for you!


Anonymous said…
Lier. That's totally a post!
I can see it can't I!
P.L. Frederick said…
For a cynic, you really get at the truth. It's like you're a lie detector machine or something. Hee hee!

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