My Cartoon Collection (#3)

I saw this cartoon in last week's New Yorker magazine. (Just like Playgirl , I read it for the cartoons.) I wouldn't normally catalog something so new in my classics file, but I knew as soon as I saw it I had to have it here. Over the years I've thought a lot about this tree-standing-up thing, primarily while sitting or laying down. Two trees. One sitting in a chair, says, “I’m tired.” A couple years back I took a trip to Florida with my better half, Pablo. I urged us along on a side trip to visit a character billed as "The Senator" ( web page ). The Senator is North America's oldest tree, older than you—said to be a respectable 3,500 years of age. When we arrive the "park" is like someone's overgrown backyard forest: dirt road, no mowed areas, no advertising spiel. We follow the broken sign for about 100 feet, until our path is blocked by a scary metal chain link fence that—holy cow! I look up at this huge baldcypress tree. Amidst my awe I thi...