One Bit Of Advice On Renting A Chainsaw
(Follow up to: How to use a chainsaw to get a chainsaw out of a tree. ) When at the chainsaw rental store, under no circumstance inform them why you desperately need one. Evade all questioning. I’m not instructing you to lie, mind you, but when cornered offer vagueness like, “Oh, you know, it’s for a tree.” What you do not say is that you’ll be using their dangerous handheld cutting weapon to get out another dangerous handheld cutting weapon you got stuck in a cherry tree. This would only cause them to label you an insurance risk, refuse to rent you a saw, and laugh so hard their teeth fall out. They will also get on the loud speaker to announce your predicament to other patrons, all of whom are expert tree cutter-downers because, after all, this is a chainsaw rental store.